residence: 86899 Landsberg, Germany
hobbies: Flugelhorn/trumpet, guitar, arranging, composing
Sports: Triathlon, Soccer, Beachvolleyball
music member:
since 2004: Stadtkapelle Landsberg Link
since 2007: Landsberger Tanzlmusikanten Link
since 2008: Deliverance Gospel Ensemble Link
In 1986 I began to learn the instrument flugelhorn at the Musikverein Undorf.
In 1993 i began to learn guitar as an autodidact.
Until 2011, many of my own creative attempts were cast aside, suffering from lack of professional music theory knowledge and equipment.The emotional impact following an
encounter of Gustav Mahlers second symphony in 2011 proved to be the turning point. Blown away by its final (“heavier than the hardest metal band”), i instantly began to occupy myself with
the enhanced possibilities of nowadays professional notation software and virtual soundbibs, which resulted in orchestrations, arrangements, compositions and music-collaborations, most of which
can be heard on my youtube-channel .
The motto I have chosen for me is:
"Only one who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the possible"
(Miguel Unamuno).
The absurd for me is:
Getting the opportunity to write film music for a Hollywood blockbuster.
The achievable had been for me so far:
2019: The "Tänzefestknabenkapelle Kaufbeuren" plays my arrangement of "Sound of the Saints" live on stage.
2017 - 2019 : I wrote 9 peaces for Landsberger Tanzlmusikanten in traditional style, recording is the aim for 2020.
2017: Runde 2 erreicht bei Serj Tankians 7 Notes Music Challenge
2015: Orchestration contribution to the EP by the scotish metal band Excellent Cadaver
2013: The US Metal icons Machine Head post my orchestration of their power ballad "Darkness Within" on their Facebook page
2012: Performance of two of my compositions with the brass quintet for the anniversary of the Musikverein Undorf
Thank you Web 2.0! The mostly very positive feedback lets me set new goals ... stay tuned!
I keep my ears open in many areas, from scores over to jazz, from metal over to pop, from brass bands over to jazz...
My favorite performers and biggest influences are:
Metal/Rock: Machine Head, SOAD, Serj Tankian, Pearl Jam, Jud, Smashing Pumpkins, Deftones, RATM
Guitarists: Joe Satriani, Marty Friedman, Slash
Pop: Bat for Lashes, Tina Dico
Scores: Hans Zimmer, John Williams, Howard Shore, Clint Mansell
Classics: Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss, Anton Bruckner
Robert Eichenseher
Tel.: null eins sieben zwo / 6406821
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